Thursday, July 2, 2009

Should I Go To Law School?

If you find yourself wondering this very question, check out this thread on Phantasy Tour. While a Phish message board isn't always the first place you should go seeking legal advice, what's being said is more accurate than any "should I go to law school" response I've ever seen (in case you don't know this yet, 90% of everything you've ever heard about law school is complete bullshit.)

Some highlights:

"[if i do go to law school, i dont necessarily have to practice law... lobbying, politics, etc are all things that i also have an interest in...] is also a complete crock of shit. I'm convinced that the best law school deans in the country got together one summer 35 years ago and said, "let's tell people they don't necessarily have to practice law, and that a law degree is super versatile, etc...then they'll come in droves." Well, it worked. The problems it that it is a total ruse."

"As a BK attorney...I see every day how the "non-dischargability" of student loan debt is used to abuse people who can't possibly earn a living with the salary they might hope to earn by the student loans they have created by getting a doctorate in whatever it may's almost comical a few that I've seen. Student loans, next to Mortgage Servicers are high on my list of 2009's list of corporations most closly aligned with Tony Soprano..."

"I am studying for the bar as we speak. Most people in my graduating class are not happy about their choice to attend Law School. I am not one of them. The job market sucks and people are pissed they don’t have jobs, have a ton of debt, and most entry level jobs don’t pay more than $60,000. Getting your J.D. is not really a gateway to making lots of money anymore. Only go to Law School if you are sure it’s for you. Getting a J.D. really isn’t that hard and doesn’t give you that much of an edge. On the other hand, if you are a super good student and are mature enough to get good grades then you should go."

"By the way, litigation is the key to being happy. Find a public interest job that lets you litigate and your life will be worth living. You can make enough money to live comfortably and be happy. After 10 years, no more loans and you have enough trial experience to write your own ticket."

Here's my contribution

I will be a 3L this year. I spent the first two years HATING EVERY MINUTE of law school.

Right now I work at a small firm and the odd thing is that I really like my job and am kind of excited about being a lawyer. I'm lucky to have great bosses though- most people in law school are pretty douchey.

Considering I only have a year left I'm pretty happy right now - I might not feel this way when those loan payments start becoming due!

SERIOUSLY, don't go for the wrong reasons (parents, can't think of anything else, etc.) - it really sucks to pay 30k a year to hate what you do every day when you didn't really even want to be there in the first place.

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